Friday, June 25, 2010

Is it True that there is a lipstick that can make your teeth look whiter?

Any dark lipstick makes teeth appear whiter. Bronzy brown or red. Darker colored lipsticks make your teeth look whiter, but they also make you look older so choose your lipstick colors wisely. Red lipsticks and those with cool blue tones make your teeth look whiter. Stay away from yellow and orange toned lipsticks that make your teeth look yellow. Pale, frosted shades tend to make your teeth look dull as do matte finishes.

if you go bronze Golden and darker skin tones make your teeth look whiter. Instead of heading to the beach or tanning salon, try a bronzing lotion on your face or darker foundation or even bronzing powder.

My personal trick is Baking soda is a mild abrasive that can occasionally be used to scrub away surface stains on teeth. This quick fix is great for removing fresh red wine and coffee stains on teeth.Is it True that there is a lipstick that can make your teeth look whiter?
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I really highly doubt that... It actually draws more attention to your teeth, amking them appear more yellow if anything
yes! it draws all of the attention to your lips rather than your teeth and your teeth appear to be alot whiter in the contrast!
no, but bright lipstick colors draw attention to the mouth, and certain tones make contrast that make teeth look white.
yes it is truly but it depends on what color its the deep bright reds that do that the hooker lips as i call them

well hope i helped

if it's a loud color it will make your teeth look ruby woo by mac....and hollywood nights by mac....which is a barbie's so hott..!!! made my teeth look extremely white
Yes there is. By making your lips stand out red or whatever color it is your teeth seem more white.
Try red lipstick, it will make your teeth appear white.. but that is only if you don't have very yellow teeth ^_^
I think it can. A darker color on lips, contrasts in color making your teeth stand out more.
as an illusion yes, but it doesn't actually make your teeth whiter.
Black lipstick.

Next to it, teeth will look lighter.
i dunno, but i think like red or dark flavoured lipstick make teeth stand out.... (Y)
Probably a dark or bright red would.
yes but so does lip gloss
I don't think so..
I don't think so...not that I have heard of.

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